To improve the user experience when using our site we sometimes place small data files on your device (computer, smart phone, tablet, etc). These are known as cookies. Most websites uses cookies.

They improve the experience by:

  • remembering settings so you don’t have to keep re-entering them. (E.g. English or Welsh language preference)
  • remembering information you’ve provided so you don’t have to keep entering it. (E.g. contact details)
  • measuring how our website is used so we can prioritise improvements

You can manage and/or delete these small files as you wish.

How we use cookies

This website uses cookies in several places – we’ve listed each of them below along with more details about why we use them and how long they will last.

In most cases we will let you know before we store a cookie on your device.

Measure website usage and identify issues (Google Analytics)

We use Google Analytics cookies to collect information about how visitors use this site and when issues are encountered (such as broken links). Google analytics stores information about what pages you visit, how long you were on the site, how you got here and what you click on. We do not store your personal information so this information cannot be used to identify who you are. We do not allow Google to use or share our data.

We use Google Analytics to make sure our website is meeting our users’ needs and to help prioritise improvements. Google provides more details on the Google privacy and cookie policy page. Google also provides a browser add-on which allows you to opt out of Google Analytics across all websites.

Name Typical Content Expires
_utma randomly generated number 2 years
_utmb randomly generated number 30 minutes
_utmc randomly generated number When you close your browser
_utmz randomly generated number and information on how the site was reached (e.g. direct or via a link, organic search or paid search) 6 months