Coleg y Cymoedd

Enrolment for College is now open. Please visit the College website to look at courses and to complete an application form.

If you need any support regarding your application, please e-mail Mrs L Walters at or alternatively e-mail Martin Jones from Coleg Y Cymoedd at

For Information on joining Coleg y Cymoedd, please click the link below.

Information from 6th Forms will be updated here as soon as we receive it from our Post 16 schools.

Please see the link above for anyone that missed Coleg y Cymoedd live event.

Principal’s letter 9th March 2021

Careers Wales

Careers Wales Information Booklet

The link below goes to the 16+ options section on the Careers Wales website.

Gives a general overview of the options/pathways available, after Year 11

This has recently been added. It links school subjects directly to possible careers with that subject.

 In addition to Coleg Y Cymoedd, here is a link to Bridgend College also – Particularly as courses such as Animal Care are offered at Pencoed;

Google Classroom

Please find a guide on how to access google classroom for any blended learning that will take place.

Google Classroom – Pupil Guide PDF

Options Support from Careers Wales

Year 9 Options Information-Careers Wales