Please see below Porth Community Schools Home/School Agreement which outlines what is expected of Parents, The School and Pupils.
I/we will:
- Make sure that my child achieves at least 96% attendance, is on time, in uniform and equipped to learn;
- Contact the school immediately if my child is absent;
- Support the school in setting the highest possible standards for my child;
- Support my child to aspire to achieve the best they can;
- Take an active and supportive interest in my child’s learning by encouraging completion of homework;
- Raise any concerns that I have with the school;
- Attend meetings to discuss my child’s progress or other wellbeing concerns;
- Support the school’s policy for good behaviour, to help my child to achieve maturity, self-discipline and self-control;
- Encourage the positive use of leisure time to help my child’s development in and out of school.
We will:
- Welcome you into the day to day life of the school;
- Challenge your child to aspire to achieve their best and become a confident life-long learner;
- Provide a stimulating creative curriculum which is inspirational, relevant and enjoyable;
- Provide a nurturing and inclusive environment;
- Provide a language-rich environment to support your child’s learning;
- Care for your child’s safety and happiness;
- Promote respect for all members of our community;
- Support your child to become a responsible member of the community, taking care of their surroundings and others around them;
- Set targets for your child’s progress, inform you of their progress and involve you regularly at all times;
- Contact you if there are concerns regarding welfare, attendance, punctuality, uniform or behaviour and that we will celebrate with you and the wider community individual and collective successes;
- Keep you well informed about school activities through regular letters, emails and newsletters.
I will be READY to learn by:
- Arriving at school regularly, on time, in my uniform, with the correct equipment;
- Coming to school with a positive attitude towards learning;
- Aspiring to achieve the best I possibly can.
I will be RESPECTFUL by:
- Considering the feelings and property of other people both in school and in the wider community;
- Caring for the grounds, buildings, furniture and equipment provided by the school.
- For my own learning by taking the opportunities that the school has to offer to prepare myself for a fulfilling life as a valued member of society;
- For keeping to the school rules;
- For completing homework on time;
- By being a positive role model in our community and a good friend;
- By asking for help from adults in school if I feel unsafe, unhappy or I am underachieving.