We pride ourselves on good communication.
The school website, class charts and texting are the main methods we use to share school news and events. Newsletters and letters may also be sent home.
ClassCharts is used to allow pupils and parents to have electronic access to homework from computers and mobile devices. We celebrate pupils’ successes by sharing praise points they have achieved through ClassCharts. This is also our main source of communication.
The ClassCharts app can be downloaded from https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.classcharts.android&gl=GB for android devices and from https://apps.apple.com/gb/developer/apple/id284417353 for ios.
Our school Twitter account can be found at @PorthCSchool
Our Facebook page can be found at (1) Facebook
If you are unable to access the internet or receive text messages information can be made available in a different format.