We provide our pupils with a curriculum which has a wide range of opportunities, is relevant and meets their needs.
Our pupils follow a curriculum which provides a wide range of opportunities, is relevant and meets their needs. This curriculum is designed to encourage pupils towards becoming ambitious, capable learners; enterprising, creative contributors; ethical, informed citizens and healthy, confident individuals.
The new Curriculum for Wales is being followed by all pupils in Y Goedwig, Year 7, and from September 2023, Year 8. The new curriculum identifies progression as a road map for each individual and each may progress at a different rate or take a different path to get to the next stage in their learning journey. The progression steps that currently apply to our pupils are;
Progression Step 1 – Age 3 to 5
Progression Step 2 – Age 5 to 8
Progression Step 3 – Age 8 to 11
Progression Step 4 – Age 11 to 14
Children can be anywhere on the progression line and will be supported to make progress. The progression steps relate broadly to the ages outlined above.
For Year 9, the Key Stage curriculum will remain in place for the coming year (2023/2024) and for Years 10 and 11 the Key Stage 4 curriculum will remain in place.
We strive to provide high quality teaching, which is appropriately planned to match the different ways our pupils learn. This allows the development of positive attitudes to their learning, to gain understanding and knowledge and to develop skills. Our curriculum prepares our pupils for a rapidly changing society and economy. Lessons are active, enjoyable and strive to inspire pupils to achieve their best. Classes are mostly mixed ability with setting in some areas of the curriculum. The school works on a two-week timetable and includes strong pastoral element. Pupils’ progress is regularly reviewed and pupils are always placed where they will be most successful in their learning.
The academic and pastoral curriculum is delivered across the three phases, Y Goedwig, Nythbran Middle School and Nythbran Upper School. Pupils follow a broad and balanced curriculum, alongside developing their skills in literacy, numeracy, digital competencies and Welsh through the subjects delivered. Opportunities for Enrichment Activities are also provided. Each subject is responsible for the pupils’ learning, attainment and achievement. The school is embracing the new Curriculum for Wales and is enthusiastic in taking advantage of the opportunities it provides our pupils.
AOLE – Maths and Numeracy
The mathematics and numeracy curriculum has been designed to enable the pupils of Porth Community School to realise the four purposes of the new Curriculum for Wales.
It builds high expectations, allowing all pupils to achieve their full potential by offering a broad and balanced provision.
At Porth, mathematical working requires and develops creativity and curiosity, pupils will be encouraged to explore different approaches. Problem solving skills will transfer to all areas of learning experience, to life in general and to the world of work.
Progression is supported along the 3-16 continuum and positive health and well-being is promoted throughout. The development of numeracy skills (the application of real-life mathematics) will empower pupils to become informed citizens who critically analyse and engage with a range of information acquiring an understanding of their rights and the rights of others.
Pupils will have a range of needs and backgrounds, so the curriculum is flexible in the development of experiences, skills and knowledge to provide different support to different pupils.
The Mathematics Department at Porth Community School strongly believe in inspiring young people to have a deep understanding of the subject allowing them to see the true beauty of mathematics in the wider world bringing it alive and making it interesting and relevant.
AOLE – Languages, Literacy and Communication
The aim of the “Languages, Literacy and Communication” Area of Learning and Experience is to develop pupils’ skills in using language and communication effectively in a range of contexts. Languages, Literacy and Communication has three distinct elements:
1. The first element of Languages, Literacy and Communication is languages. In Porth this element is concerned with developing pupils’ skills in Welsh and French, as well as their understanding of the cultural, social and historical contexts in which those languages are used. Welsh is a statutory subject in all schools in Wales.
2. The second element of Languages, Literacy and Communication is literacy. This is the ability to read, write, speak and listen in order to communicate effectively. This element focuses on developing pupils’ skills in these areas, as well as their understanding of the role that language plays in communication.
3. Communication: this element of the Area of Learning and Experience focuses on developing learners’ skills in effective communication, both verbally and non-verbally. This includes skills such as active listening, body language, and effective use of technology to communicate.
In Porth Community School Languages, Literacy and Communication is designed to be integrated across the curriculum, with opportunities for pupils to develop their skills in a range of contexts. We aim to develop pupils’ confidence and competence in using language and communication, and to prepare them for the challenges and opportunities of living in a global society.
AOLE – Science and Technology
The curriculum for Science and Technology at Porth has been developed to encourage our learners to be ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world, who will be able to make informed decisions about future actions.
From our everyday life and experiences the importance of science and technology in our modern world can be clearly seen. Developments in these areas have changed the way we live from our use of mobile phones to the vaccines that have been developed to eradicate illnesses that once caused so much devastation. As such, the Science and Technology Area of Learning and Experience will be increasingly relevant in the opportunities young people encounter and the life choices that they make.
Our schemes of learning also encourage our learners to be healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society. Learners are also encouraged to be ambitious, enterprising, and ready to learn throughout their lives in order to be able to engage with scientific and technological change.
The Science and Technology Area of Learning draws on the disciplines of biology, chemistry, computer science, design and technology, and physics to enhance learners’ knowledge and understanding of the world.
They are set out across six key ‘What matters statements’ as follows;
- Being curious and searching for answers is essential to understand and predict phenomena.
- Design thinking and engineering offer technical and creative ways to meet society’s needs and wants.
- The world around us is full of living things which depend on each other for survival.
- Matter and the way it behaves defines our universe and shapes our lives.
- Forces and energy provide a foundation for understanding our universe.
- Computation is the foundation for our digital world.
AOLE – Expressive Arts
The Expressive Arts Area of Learning and Experience is designed to provide pupils with opportunities to explore and develop their creative abilities in a variety of different artistic disciplines.
Expressive Arts is made up of different disciplines, each with its own specific aims and objectives:
1. Art and Design: This discipline focuses on developing pupils’ abilities to create visual art through a range of media, including drawing, painting, sculpture, and digital art.
2. Drama: This discipline focuses on developing pupils’ ability to express themselves through drama, including improvisation, scripted performance, and technical theatre skills.
3. Music: This discipline aims to develop pupils’ musical skills, including playing instruments, singing, and composing music.
Each of these disciplines is taught through a combination of practical activities and theoretical knowledge, with a focus on developing pupils’ creativity, critical thinking skills, and confidence.
Porth Community School gives pupils opportunities to perform in large events – such as our annual Christmas Concert for the local community or our end of year musical.
Throughout their studies in the Expressive Arts, pupils are encouraged to explore and experiment with different techniques and approaches, and to develop their own unique artistic voice. They are also encouraged to collaborate with others and to use their creativity to address real-world challenges and issues.
AOLE – Health and Wellbeing
The Health and Wellbeing Area of Learning Experience provides a holistic structure for our pupils to understand the importance of health and wellbeing. This is achieved through a themed approach in the delivery of specific physical education, food and nutrition and personal, social education lessons as well as pastoral sessions. The fundamental components of this area are physical health and development, mental health, emotional and social wellbeing. We enhance support by working in partnership with specialist agencies such as health and sport organisations. Our ultimate aim is to equip our pupils with the resources to cope with life’s opportunities and challenges, recognising that good health and wellbeing are essential to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society.
Sex and Relationships Education
Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) is a positive and mandatory requirement in the Curriculum for Wales for all pupils from age 3 – 16 (The Act). This means that all pupils must receive this education. There is no right to withdraw from RSE in the new curriculum, which is being phased in gradually. This is delivered throughout the Health and Wellbeing themes in specific PSE lessons, pastoral sessions and across the curriculum. We aim to support pupils to develop their self-confidence in understanding their rights to enjoy fulfilling, healthy and safe relationships throughout their lives and to prepare them for the physical and emotional changes that occur as they move towards adulthood. It is given careful and sensitive treatment taking into account the age of the pupils. We believe that the teaching of RSE should be shared with parents and be mutually supportive and complimentary.
Physical Activity and Sport
We see physical activity and sport as key components of our school culture. All pupils have regular timetabled physical education lessons where pupils are expected to wear the correct PE kit. The benefits from participation include the learning of life skills such as team work, communication and leadership whilst developing pupils’ confidence and resilience. Physical activity also has a positive benefit on pupils’ physical, social and mental wellbeing. As a school, we are fortunate to have a 4G pitch which allows us to provide an environment for safe contact sport. Additionally, we have our own indoor sports hall and dance/fitness studio with gym equipment as well as further multi use games area.
To enrich pupils experiences in physical activity and sport, the school organises a number of events throughout the year. Extra- curricular activities are an essential part of the learning experience at Porth Community School and is embedded in our school ethos, where pupils are encouraged to develop their individual interests in physical activity and pursue their gifts and talents. Clubs include netball, football, rugby, fitness training, athletics, badminton, basketball, rounders and cricket and teams from each year group compete in leagues and tournaments. Many of our pupils have successfully achieved county and national honours in a variety of sports.
Careers Education Guidance and Work Experience
In line with Curriculum for Wales 2022, Careers and Work-Related Experiences (CWRE) contributes towards pupils’ realisation of the Four Core Purposes.
From the age of 3, CWRE inspires pupils to:
- develop an understanding of the purpose of work in life for themselves and society as a whole
- become increasingly aware of the range of opportunities available to them, broadening their horizons
- develop the attitudes and behaviours required to overcome barriers to employability, career management and lifelong learning
- explore opportunities through a variety of meaningful experiences in learning, work and entrepreneurship
- develop resilience and the ability to be adaptable in response to challenges, choices and responsibilities of work and life.
Within Y Goedwig, the pupils will be encouraged to be actively engaged in real-life, authentic examples from the world of work, developing their confidence in being curious and inquisitive and offered insights that generate inspiration and aspiration.
As they progress through the school the guidance and support available increases. This can include meeting employers, industry visits and enterprise days. All pupils aged 14-16 undertake work related education as part of the Welsh Baccalaureate Qualification. This consists of study modules, working with external providers.
AOLE – Humanities
The Humanities AOLE in Porth Community School consists of History, Geography and Religion, Values & Ethics.
Throughout pupils’ learning journey in Humanities, they will develop a range of skills including critical analysis, problem-solving, teamwork and written communication. Humanities AOLE seeks to awaken a sense of wonder, fire the imagination and inspire learners to grow in knowledge, understanding and wisdom.
Humanities encourages pupils to engage with fundamental questions, interpret and debate the events of the past and engross with topical issues facing humanity. The knowledge gained, as well as the skills that are developed, are central to ensuring that pupils become ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world.
Collective Worship and Religious Education
The new Religion, Values and Ethics (RVE) sits within the Humanities Area of Learning and Experience and in mandatory for all pupils from 3-16. It has evolved to reflect the ambitions and four purposes of the Curriculum for Wales.
Parents and carers cannot withdraw their child(ren) from RVE
Curriculum Cymreig
Curriculum Cymreig is an essential part of our school ethos. All subjects, the Eisteddfod and extra-curricular activities promote Curriculum Cymreig to make sure pupils are aware of and celebrate their Welsh heritage.
Welsh as a second language is taught to all pupils, with all pupils studying Welsh across the school.
To further support the development of pupils’ language skills, incidental Welsh is used across the school both within and outside of lessons: we have recently started a Criw Cymraeg in the secondary phase so that pupils can work towards the Siarter Iaith Awards for the school.
In Years 7-9 pupils learn how to express their opinions on various topics such as Fy Myd (My World) Fy Addysg (My Education) and Fy Uchelgeisiau (My Ambitions). Pupils learn how to effectively communicate in Welsh both verablly and non-verbally during their lessons as well as how to form the past, present, future and conditional tenses. Alongside this, pupils focus on their literacy skills by developing their use of AVOCADOS (Adjective /Noun /Opinion /Connective /Adverb /Detail /Oustanding phrase /Sequencer) in their speaking and writing tasks.
Y Goedwig Curriculum (Nursery to Year 6)
Our children experience a wide variety of learning opportunities both indoors and outdoors. They benefit from bright open classrooms and access to high quality facilities. Teaching is innovative to foster a love of learning through nurturing curiosity and potential. Play based learning activities develop our children’s interests whilst recognising their level of maturity. Through their play, they practise and consolidate their learning, play with ideas, experiment, take risks, solve problems, and make decisions individually, as well as in groups. They learn how to observe, listen, respond and develop not only as individuals but also as caring members of our community.
They leave Y Goedwig with a solid foundation in their communication, literacy and numeracy skills ready to take the next steps.
Y Goedwig delivers the New Curriculum for Wales. The curriculum has been reformed at a national level in order to raise standards, reduce the attainment gap between pupils and equip young people with the skills they need to live in today’s ever changing society.
We organise our curriculum into themes and topics, this enables our children to learn in the six Areas of Learning and Experience (Language, Literacy and Communication; Mathematics and Numeracy; Science and Technology; Humanities; Health and Wellbeing; Expressive Arts) and to apply their literacy, numeracy and digital competence skills. This approach is used throughout Y Goedwig and we aim to develop the ‘whole person’ so pupils embody the Four Core Purposes.
As part of our citizenship curriculum, Year 6 pupils are offered the opportunity to apply for the role of Deputy Head Boy, Deputy Head Girl and Prefect allowing them to lead by example and demonstrate responsibility. All pupils in Y Goedwig will have additional opportunity to develop leadership skills through the Senedd and our variety of pupil voice groups including Eco Club, Digital Leaders and Criw Cymraeg.
Nythbran (Years 7-9)
Our pupils will follow the statutory curriculum. The school has adopted the new Curriculum for Wales for Year 7 from September 2023. Foe Year 8 we still focus on the essential skills of communication, literacy and numeracy whilst beginning to transition into a more specialised curriculum.
Pupils will study Humanities in greater depth and have access to specialist learning environments for Science, Creative Design and Sport. Expressive Arts will encourage the pupils to develop self-confidence and communication skills. The curriculum will be meaningful and relevant and provides the level of challenge, skill development and depth of knowledge required to prepare them for their options and the Year 10 and 11 Curriculum. We encourage pupils’ creativity and enthusiasm for learning whilst developing resilience and self-belief. We foster a culture where there is a growing focus on pupils taking responsibility for their own progress.
Nythbran (Years 10-11)
Pupils in Years 10 and 11 study English, Maths, Science, Welsh, the Welsh Baccalaureate Skills Certificate, Religious Education and Personal and Social Education. All pupils follow a physical education programme to promote health and wellbeing. These subjects are taken alongside a suite of other subjects chosen through the options process. A range of subjects are offered during this process and this choice allows pupils to follow personalised pathways, giving them the support and challenge needed to develop into successful learners, who are confident in their abilities and prepared for transition to post-16 or work related training.